On April 27, 2023, a Killdeer bird squawked with authority, as it staked its claim for a nesting spot in river rock, under an oak tree on my front lawn. It started off by laying one egg the first day, until it gradually laid four eggs, one per day. On May 25, 2023, the Killdeer chicks finally hatched. The whole family remained for a day and one-half after hatching. Later, when I looked outside for them, they left without a trace, not even their egg shells remained. I was glad they chose my outside home for their home, but feeling melancholy that they left, though happy to be part of their great start. I hope at some point I’ll see them again, even if they just pass by. I hope they’ll return when they’re ready to nest again.
Some interesting sites on the Killdeer bird:
The Amazing Killdeer-On YouTube
On July 1, 2023, two Killdeer birds arrived together. One stood in the background, while the male bird made an indentation in the same spot as their previous nesting site, in late April. They’re getting their nests ready. I hope they’ll choose this spot to make their new family, and welcome them, here.